Adopt a frame

The Williams’ Reef

Thank you for signing up to keep in touch with the Coral Conservation Project. Pictured above, you will find your coral frame as it was few days after construction. Your personal page will allow you to see regular updates and amazing facts about the corals and animals living on your frame. By having all the updates on one page, you will be able to track the progress of your frame and see how your contribution is benefiting the ecosystem. If you want to satisfy your curiosity even more, you can take a look at our Marine Blog Life and videos from the Marine Lab Diary or connect with us for more information.


Here is the start of a healthy coral reef relationship!


31 January 2020

As you can see from the picture, your coral frame are colonized by some little, brown and green organisms called Ascidia. The species is called Didemnum molle (also known as the green barrel sea squirt or the green reef sea-squirt.) and is very common in the Indo-Pacific area. Ascidia is a filter-feeder, feeding on suspended plankton and detritus and its green color is given by the algae living in symbiosis with them, in this way the algae is protected by the predation and the Ascidia can receive energy from its little hosts. Luckily they don’t possess any threat to the corals when they are few in numbers, however they can colonize quite quickly on the frames through asexual budding, as such they are regularly removed to minimize competition with growing corals.


31 December 2019

Have you ever wondered how do corals grow bigger or how their branches are getting longer? Coral reefs are mainly built by stony or hard corals, together with their endosymbiotic algae (algae living in the corals), zooxanthellae. To give you some information on how the calcification process works. The main elements needed to build the skeleton are Ca2+ (Calcium ions) and DIC (Dissolved Inorganic Carbon). Both of these elements are transported into a specific area of the coral called the “calcifying region”, which is situated under each single polyp. Here, the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is formed throughout a chemical reaction. Finally, the calcium carbonate (or technically crystals of aragonite) is deposited to form the skeleton. The process involves the polyp’s cells and the Zooxanthellae, and by the mutualistic work of these two counterparts the skeleton is formed. However, if for any reasons (i.e. high temperature) one of the two parts is not working properly the process stops and the coral may die.

30 November 2019

Have you ever wondered why some corals are more colorful than others… That is because some corals increase the production of colourful protein pigments (such as these purple tips) when they are exposed to more intense sunlight and this colony, of a branching Acropora, is simply amazing. Scientist have found that these pink, blue and/or purple proteins act as sunscreens for the corals by removing substantial light components that might otherwise become harmful to the algae hosted in their tissue. Corals rely on these light-dependent miniature plants, the so-called zooxanthellae, since they provide a substantial amount of food. Furthermore, these tips consist of a particular polyp called an “apical polyp”. It is responsible of the growth of the particular branch. For instance, it will reproduce asexually by cloning itself, potentially an infinite number of times throughout its lifetime. Here and there, one of the “radial polyps” will differentiate becoming a new apical polyp with its distinguished purple color, driving the growth of a new branch.


Humans get a sun tan – corals become more colourful.