Here you will see the partial shape of the cable tie that we used to stabilize this particular fragment to the iron frame. In one month we can already see that this Acropora have started to overgrow this plastic tie and will soon be part of the skeleton forever. Plastic cable ties are a good compromise for attaching corals to the structure, since the material is cheap, resistant and the results are great, however we are looking into using different materials to improve our techniques of reducing plastics in the ocean. When this colony have reached the minimum size for spawning it will release its gametes in the water that ultimately leads to the formation of new colonies elsewhere on the reef
Coral reefs are built and made up of thousands of tiny animals called coral “polyps” that can live individually (like many mushroom corals do) or in large colonies that comprise an entire reef structure. A polyp has a sac-like body and an opening, or mouth, encircled by stinging tentacles called nematocysts or cnidae (imagine an upside down jellyfish). The polyp extracts calcium and carbonate ions from seawater to build itself a hard, cup-shaped skeleton made of calcium carbonate (limestone). This limestone skeleton protects the soft, delicate body of the polyp. Coral polyps are usually nocturnal, meaning that they stay inside their skeletons during the day. At night, polyps extend their tentacles to feed. Most coral polyps have clear bodies whereas their skeletons are completely white, like human bones. Generally, their brilliant color comes from the zooxanthellae (tiny algae) living inside their tissues. Several million zooxanthellae live and produce pigments in just one square inch of coral. These pigments are visible through the clear body of the polyp and are what gives coral its beautiful color.
The Dascyllus aruanus, known commonly as humbug damselfish, has found in your coral frame its home. This particular fish is known by multiple common names, such as three stripe damselfish, humbug dascyllus, or black and white damselfish. They only reach an adult size of 3-4 inches (7.6-10 cm). Sporting three broad black stripes on a white body, the humbug damselfish has a zebra like appearance. The stripes run slightly off vertical through the eyes and mouth, midbody and bisecting the caudal peduncle, making it half black and half white. There are several contestants for the title of most important reef fish family, but the Damselfish are certainly one of the front-runners. Not only are there numerous species, but also many of these species are present on Maldivian reefs in prodigious numbers. The humbug damselfish that you can see in the picture is associated with isolated coral heads in sheltered inshore habitats. Like all damselfish, they can be territorial and aggressive, especially as they get older.
Do you know that even under the water we can find cobwebs? The invertebrate responsible for this mesh is not a spider, but rather a gastropod mollusk called Ceraesignum maximum. As all Vermeidae, this mollusk species is sessile and houses themselves within tubular shells. They are common dwellers of shallow water in coral reefs and rocky shores. These nets are called mucus nets that can expand around the individual up to 10 cm in diameter. Waves and currents fill the net with tiny particles. After a few hours the mollusk will inhale the net with all of its yummy goods caught inside.
Coral reefs for the most part appear to be static environments, despite the presence of ever busy fish life, that is because most of the activities happening within corals are invisible to our eyes. In fact, coral reefs are a dynamic environment where every cm2 may hide beauty or a fight for survival! Among the invisible, corals are surely the most active, by building the amazing structure which allow us to see paradise tropical islands! However, they are continuously fighting for the survival, against predators, disease and environmental changes, and even between them. They are supplied with microscopic needles and venomous tentacles to kill any other corals and ejecting their stomach to digest them. The battle-zones when two different corals are easy to spot, there is often a cleared band between the two where they’ve killed each other off. They use similar tactics when they are fighting off invading algae. On healthy reefs, corals can maintain their territory, often beating back and even killing various types of algae. Here you will notice the two types ….
This is your 6 month frame progress update. Your frame is doing fantastic!
Looking at your frame, we can see lots of new growth, especially of the acropora corals (the branching & fast growing corals). We can see some of the corals are competing for space, which is a good problem to have, it means your frame is thriving. We can also see that your frame is contributing to the overall health of the coral ecosystem. We see lots of life such as little fish, crabs, worms and mollusks around your frame. Overall your frame has survived the warm months of March, April and May just fine, unfortunately some of the other frames in our colony weren’t so lucky.
Over the following months we will continue with maintenance to keep harmful algae and predators off your frame and to give your frame the best chance for successful growth.
Coral reefs are built and made up of thousands of tiny animals called coral “polyps” that can live individually (like many mushroom corals do) or in large colonies that comprise an entire reef structure. A polyp has a sac-like body and an opening, or mouth, encircled by stinging tentacles called nematocysts or cnidae (imagine an upside down jellyfish). The polyp extracts calcium and carbonate ions from seawater to build itself a hard, cup-shaped skeleton made of calcium carbonate (limestone). This limestone skeleton protects the soft, delicate body of the polyp. Coral polyps are usually nocturnal, meaning that they stay inside their skeletons during the day. At night, polyps extend their tentacles to feed. Most coral polyps have clear bodies whereas their skeletons are completely white, like human bones. Generally, their brilliant color comes from the zooxanthellae (tiny algae) living inside their tissues. Several million zooxanthellae live and produce pigments in just one square inch of coral. These pigments are visible through the clear body of the polyp and are what gives coral its beautiful color.
In some unfortunate cases, much like we can see in nature, there are some dead fragments on your frame such as this one pictured. This is often the result when corals undergoes very high level of stress where they cannot seem to recover. This is not because your frame isn’t suitable, but since all the fragments were collected from the sand they already received lots of stress before attached onto your frame, so it happens from time to time that fragments might receive further high stress levels due to increased water temperatures and they lose the symbiotic algae Zooxanthellae that they need to survive. They will turn bleach white and if stress conditions persist they will die completely since they have no more animals for feeding or defending the corals and then they are often competing with invasive algae that grow over the polyps when this happens they will also die off. During the maintenance these pieces of dead coral is usually removed while the live part remains attached. Here you will see the dead grey and brown fragment on the left, the right is still alive so you can clearly see the difference
Coral reefs for the most part appear to be static environments, despite the presence of ever busy fish life, that is because most of the activities happening within corals are invisible to our eyes. In fact, coral reefs are a dynamic environment where every cm2 may hide beauty or a fight for survival! Among the invisible, corals are surely the most active, by building the amazing structure which allow us to see paradise tropical islands! However, they are continuously fighting for the survival, against predators, disease and environmental changes, and even between them. They are supplied with microscopic needles and venomous tentacles to kill any other corals and ejecting their stomach to digest them. The battle-zones when two different corals are easy to spot, there is often a cleared band between the two where they’ve killed each other off. They use similar tactics when they are fighting off invading algae. On healthy reefs, corals can maintain their territory, often beating back and even killing various types of algae. Here you will notice the two types ….
Here, we are excited to tell you about this nice colony living on your frame, the species is Pocillopora verrucosa, also known as cauliflower corals. They are usually cream, brown or pink, sometimes blue in color and have a widespread distribution within the Indo-West Pacific and Eastern Tropical Pacific regions. Colonies may grow up to 30 cm in diameter, their branches are medium sized and are covered with uniform verrucae (little bumps). This species is typically found in shallow water from exposed reef fronts to protected fringing reefs. They are also home to species of smaller fish that finds refuge within the healthy branches of these corals.
Some great news!!! Your frame seems to be an attraction for baby corals, such as the small coral colony in the picture. Most of the coral species reproduce by ejecting sperm and eggs in the water that subsequently merge and form planula larvae which can swim and is naturally attracted by chemical substances and light. After a couple of weeks, fertilized planulae larvae fall back to the ocean floor and attach themselves to a hard surface. An attached planula makes the metamorphosis into a coral polyp and begins to grow—dividing itself in half and making exact genetic copies of itself. As more and more polyps are added, a coral colony develops. Eventually, the coral colony becomes mature, begins reproducing, and the cycle of life continues.
Looking at your frame, you will see that it is doing amazing and the corals are really growing well since the last update even after the heated months and some stormy weather. We have done some recent maintenance on all the frames which include cleaning them, removing the invasive algae and coral predators to maximize growth. In the upcoming post we will show you close-ups of your frame and the coral fragments, with some interesting facts and findings about those that are on your frame. After 6 months you will see a similar post showing once again the progress of your frame.
Coral frames can be utilized in two ways, one is for protection and for other it is used to find food. In this photo you will notice a very black blob, it is in fact a marine gastropod mollusk. It is commonly known as name is the velvet snail (Coriocella hibyae). Hidden inside the fleshy mantle there is a fragile ear-shaped shell that is very thin and delicate. There are five digit-like protrusions on its dorsal side. The body coloration can vary from from slate-blue to dark brown, with some small round black spots which resembles common marine sponges. This species can reach a maximum size of 10 cm in length and it is very common in the Maldives.