Ferdy Coral Conservation Project - Planhotel

Adopt a frame


Thank you for signing up to keep in touch with the Coral Conservation Project. Pictured above, you will find your coral frame as it was few days after construction. Your personal page will allow you to see more regular updates and amazing facts about the corals and animals living on your frame. By now having all the updates on one page, seeing the progress of your frame will be much easier and convenient. If you want to satisfy your curiosity even more, you can take a look at our Marine Blog Life and videos from the Marine Lab Diary or connect with us for more information.
Here is the start of a healthy coral reef relationship!
29 February 2020

As you can see from the picture, your coral frame are colonized by some little, brown and green organisms called Ascidia. The species is called Didemnum molle (also known as the green barrel sea squirt or the green reef sea-squirt.) and is very common in the Indo-Pacific area. Ascidia is a filter-feeder, feeding on suspended plankton and detritus and its green color is given by the algae living in symbiosis with them, in this way the algae is protected by the predation and the Ascidia can receive energy from its little hosts. Luckily they don’t possess any threat to the corals when they are few in numbers, however they can colonize quite quickly on the frames through asexual budding, as such they are regularly removed to minimize competition with growing corals.

31 January 2020

Do you know that even under the water we can find cobwebs? The invertebrate responsible for this mesh is not a spider, but rather a gastropod mollusk called Ceraesignum maximum. As all Vermeidae, this mollusk species is sessile and houses themselves within tubular shells. They are common dwellers of shallow water in coral reefs and rocky shores. These nets are called mucus nets that can expand around the individual up to 10 cm in diameter. Waves and currents fill the net with tiny particles. After a few hours the mollusk will inhale the net with all of its yummy goods caught inside.

31 December 2019

What is biodiversity? Biodiversity is the variety of living species that can be found in a particular place, for instance the number of coral species on your coral frame. Coral reefs are said to have the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem on the planet—even more than a tropical rainforest. In this particular image you can see two species of the Acropora genus, one of the fastest growing species of coral. Since we collect broken fragments from the bottom and not original colonies, the biodiversity on the frames is often between 1 and 4 species of corals, depending on location of collection. You will see that these small pieces have already grown quite a bit in the one year since construction. Of course we always try to keep the diversity high between all of the frames and during maintenance we often add new pieces onto the frame. Hopefully soon we will see lots of different marine species occupying your frame, which is the goal of our Coral Conservation Project.